
Labor Day Weekend

A significant scene in FSND shows Phil, the truck driver that Joe meets on his journey, bringing a pitcher of juice down to a BBQ at the lake where he has retreated to begin his fast. Phil talks up the juice and passes on the meat... my labor day weekend wasn't as inspiring but it could have been a lot worse.

It is my intention to do a long term juice fast. Eliminating animal products from my diet (for health and environmental reasons) is very important to me, and I am willing to make the sacrifices required to lose a large amount of weight (namely, not eat). I am confident that at the end of the juicing road I will be able to integrate lessons learned throughout the fast into a life of healthy eating and maintaining a healthy weight.

Day one will be tomorrow... Tuesday, September 6, 2011. The weekend brought with it a trip to LegoLand, a beautiful wedding, a baseball game and other opportunities to indulge. At times, I did... At others, I didn't. At least once I indulged in something that is in line with my vegan values--best of both worlds!

I am completely thrilled with the current progress I am making. This isn't what I expected, or even initially hoped, would happen, but I have learned so much and feel good about what's ahead. I am still 8-10lbs (depending on the moment) down from where I started this journey and I have significant knowledge and experience at my disposal as I move forward. Here's to getting more!